more from Epictetus

Single Idea 23344

[catalogued under 2. Reason / A. Nature of Reason / 8. Naturalising Reason]

Full Idea

What is reason itself? Something compounded from impressions of a certain kind.

Gist of Idea

Reason itself must be compounded from some of our impressions


Epictetus (The Discourses [c.56], 1.20.05)

Book Reference

Epictetus: 'The Discourses, The Handbook, Fragments', ed/tr. Gill,C [Everyman 1995], p.48

A Reaction

This seems to be the only escape from the dead end attempts to rationally justify reason. Making reason a primitive absolute is crazy metaphysics.

Related Idea

Idea 23343 Because reason performs all analysis, we should analyse reason - but how? [Epictetus]